Friday, January 27, 2012

How to diet with healthy food recipes that creates abs and lose cellulite!

( Diet, food, recipe, medical, cellulite, abs)

We all want to look good and feel great but that's easier said than done! It is very difficult to achieve this goal for most people either because they do not have the time or lack motivation due to slow performance or rewards.

There are different ways to accomplish your goals of losing weight and feeling great whether it be to feel healthier or having a nice tone body with cellulite free skin; but I plan to show and share the most effective way to do this in a less time consuming process. I have found great resources of information and I have summarized the most attractive ones at least for my taste.

The following are the key factors in helping you achieve the most effective results you are looking for in order to lose weight, feel great and look good!

Diet (don't look nor feel great let me help you with both and add looking good to the list!)

When we are first introduced to foods growing up, we are introduced to healthy eating habits, but as we get older we tend to stray and choose fast food chains over a healthy home cooked meal due to convenience rather than taste. Choosing a fast cooked meal from a fast food chain effects our bodies completely. It effects our overall energy, skin and weight; but  the fast food chain industry is not the only enemy. We are actually our worst enemy when coming to dieting due to lack of knowledge, but knowledge is power and I hope to enlighten you!  In order to become a friend to ourselves physically there are key foods that you have to look for and habits that have to be changed.

              1. Do not starve yourself, this is a misconception. If one chooses to
              starve themselves their bodies go into STARVING MODE, this means
              that the body is lowering the fat burning process to
              protect the fat on your body. Yes, starve and your
              body will start to hold your bad fat. (see video)

              2. Avoid procesed food. The reason to avoid
              processed food is due to the fact that one's liver will work harder to
              get rid of the chemicals in the food rather than digesting the foods you

              3. Choosing the right fat will increase your metabolism. (Yes Fat!)
              The right fats are: olive oil, whole eggs, coconut oil, avocado, raw nuts,
              lean meats, fish and believe it or not, real butter.
              Avoid: canola oil, substitude butter, margarine and hydrogenated oil.
              Remember, your body needs the right fat to burn fat. (more info.....)

There are lots of good food out there to choose from that will help you to lose weight, you just need to make sure to look for supercharged food and avoid sugars. This will help you to lose weight without starving yourself and most importantly this will help you maintain your ideal weight.

Look Fit and show those abs (tone after the diet to maintain your new look)

We talked about healthy eating but now we need to discuss the information on looking firm, especially your waist line.  Before we start there are few facts related to the best way to get perfect abs or a thin waist line (see video). The first fact is that Genetics has nothing to do with your current fat in your belly. This is a misconception. The fat in your belly is related with your lifestyle. Another BIG mistake when it comes to ab workouts is that most of the people think that sit-ups and crunchs helps one obtain a six-pack, WRONG!! Sit-ups and Crunches will develop your inner muscle pushing the fat of your belly out, yes bigger belly's! 

There are specific types of exercises for the development
of a great waistline, they are called fusion workouts.
(learn more.....

Some example of fusion workouts:

DB Split Squat, Close-grip DB Press, Pull-up, DB Diagonal Lunge,Off-set Push-up,1-Leg Deadlift Spiderman Climb, Plank,Inverted Row, Stability Ball Leg Curl. All of these exercises will help you develop a great waistline and nice looking abs. (learn more........)

What about the skin after the diet (get rid of the cellulite and have sexy skin)

You have now lost the weight and have nice firm abs, and you are ready to use a bathing suit, but there is a problem! You see that your lower part of your body is full of Cellulite and your skin is really bad.
The first thing most people think of is a surgical procedure, but what if I tell you about other painless methods (see video). Many women or men try different creams and pills but everything remains the same.
There are specific types of workout for legs, buns, hips, and thighs that help one with this ugly issue called cellulite. These exercise are called Synergystic Muscle Layer stimulation. Which do get rid of Cellulite, there are professional on-line trainers in this subject (learn more.......).

Remeber if you are going to work hard do it the right way!

I hope this information helps you to get to your goals, thanks for reading. If you think this information has been helpful for you, feel free to leave a donation.


Resources and Programs

- The Diet Solution Program 

- Truth About Abs: New Videos

-Kick-butt Cellulite Redux - NotWeight Loss, Not A Gym Routine



  1. Nice article.. there are certain foods that can help to keep good skin.

  2. This very nice blog post to help in diet plans for health and fitness.
